Dr. Bridgette Clarkston
Post Doctoral Fellow
Email: bridgette.clarkston@unb.ca
Curriculum Vitae
I am originally from Comox, British Columbia. I completed my undergraduate at the University of Victoria, B.C. and joined the Saunders Lab in 2005. I am fascinated by all things oceanic, but I am particularly excited by anything to do with fish, cephalopods and seaweeds.
The focus of my PhD research was on resolving species diversity within the red algal family Kallymeniaceae (Rhodophyta; Florideophyceae) in Canada using an integrated taxonomic approach. My current project in the Saunders Lab is focused on developing a DNA barcode molecular marker for freshwater cyanobacteria and using said marker for assessing seasonal biodiversity of cyanobacteria in Lake Utopia, New Brunswick. In addition to my post-doc work, I am also an instructor in the UNB Biology Department, teaching the introductory biology laboratory courses (Biol 1006, Biol 1017).
I am passionate about science education and was fortunate to have four opportunities to teach while I was a PhD student at UNB. In 2008 and 2010, I taught the evolution, systematics and biodiversity sections of Biol 1001: Biological Principles I and in 2010 and 2011 I taught the second half of Biol 1012: Biological Principles II.
SCUBA diving is the most amazing activity imaginable, in my opinion, and my time in the Saunders Lab gave me plenty of experience as a scientific diver. From the open ocean swells around Western Vancouver Island, B.C. to the frigid cold waters of Churchill, Manitoba, and even to the Hawaiian Islands, in the last few years I have collected seaweeds from just about everywhere. If I can’t be found at work, I’m probably diving...or at least wishing I was.
Clarkston, B.E. and Saunders, G.W. 2010. A comparison
of two DNA barcode markers for species discrimination in the red
algal family Kallymeniaceae (Gigartinales, Florideophyceae), with
a description of Euthora timburtonii sp.nov. Botany 88(2): 119-131. download
Clarkston, B.E. and Saunders, G.W. An examination of the red algal genus Pugetia (Kallymeniaceae, Gigartinales) with descriptions of Salishia firma gen. et comb. nov., Pugetia cryptica sp. nov., and Beringia wynnei sp. nov. Phycologia. In press.
Clarkston, B.E. and Saunders, G.W. In preparation. Resolving species diversity in the red algal genus Callophyllis (Gigartinales, Floroideophyceae) in Canada using molecular assisted alpha taxonomy.