Post Doctoral Fellow
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Dr. Line Le GallPost Doctoral Fellow Assistant professor (Maître de conférences) My research concentrates on studying red algal diversity and resolving their evolutionary relationships using both morphological/anatomical observations and molecular data. During the course of my postdoctoral project, I have developed several new genetic markers (nuclear and mitochondrial) to improve the phylogenetic resolution of red algae at several taxonomic levels. I particularly focused on inferring a comprehensive phylogeny of the Florideophyceae, and studying familial and generic relationships within the Rhodymeniales. Recently, I get involved in the “Barcode of Life” project and I am contributing to the development of a DNA barcode database for the red. I joined the algal systematics group at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in April 2007 where I started to study the biodiversity and phylogeny of the Mediterranean red algae.
Education 2000-2002 THESIS (PhD) at the University of Caen - Normandie Speciality : Physiology, Biology of organisms, Populations, Interactions Laboratory : Laboratory of Marine Biology and Biotechnology Subject : Use of seedstock (protoplasts and spores) of Palmaria palmata for cellular analysis of the mechanism of regeneration in red (macro)algae. Biotechnical applications for Palmaria palmata aquaculture and industrial use. Thesis director : Professor Joel Cosson 1999 MASTER DEGREE in biological oceanography, University Paris VI Option : Primary Production Training period carried out in the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Caen. Research work supervised by Dr Anne-Marie RUSIG. Subject : « Production and regeneration of protoplasts isolated from Palmaria palmata . Study on the organisation of cytoskeleton in isolated protoplasts. » ERASMUS Student for the Marine Zoology Course , Roscoff (Brittany); 2nd–30th August (University of Paris VI, Laic University of Brussels, Catholic University of Louvain, University of Santiago de Compostella) 1997 ERASMUS Student for the fundamental Phycology course (University Paris VI, University of Gent and University of Trieste) Refereed Publications Le Gall, L., Saunders, G.W. (2007). A nuclear phylogeny of the Florideophyceae (Rhodophyta) inferred from combined EF2, small subunit and large subunit ribosomal DNA: establishing the Corallinophycidae subclassis nov.. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43: 1118-1130.
Deniaud, E., Le Gall, L., Lahaye, M. (2006). First approach of the osidic compounds deposition in the cell wall of Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta) during spore germination. Botanica Marina, 49: 266-269. Le Gall, L., Lelong, C., Rusig, A.M., Favrel, P. (2005). Characterization and expression of two actin genes in the Rhodophyta Palmaria palmata. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 46: 311-322. Le Gall, L., Pien, S., Rusig, A.M. (2004). Palmaria palmata (Palmariales, Rhodophyta) cultivation from isolated spores in semi controlled condition. Aquaculture, 229: 181-191. Le Gall, L., Rusig, A.M., Cosson, J. (2004). The organization of microtubule cytoskeleton in protoplasts isolated from cortical and medullary tissus of the red algae Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta). Botanica Marina, 47 (3): 231-237. Le Gall, L., Deniaud, E., Rusig, A.M. (2004). Phenology and potentiality of development of Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta) along the French Channel coast. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 45: 269-275. Conference Presentations:
Le Gall, L.; Saunders, G.W. DNA barcoding as a powerful tool to uncover algal diversity: a case study of Phyllophoraceae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) in the Canadian Flora. 1st meeting for DNA Barcoding in Europe. Leiden, Netherlands, 3rd-5th October 2007. Le Gall, L.; Saunders, G.W. DNA barcoding: a powerful molecular tool to uncover diversity among the Nemaliales (Rhodophyta) in the Canadian algal Flora. 4th European Phycological Congress. Oviedo, Spain, 23nd-27th July 2007. Martin-Lescanne, J.; Payri, C.; Rousseau, F.; Le Gall, L.; de Reviers, B. Contribution of the New Caledonian specimens to the phylogeny of the Laurencia complex (ceramiales, Rhodophyta). 4th European Phycological Congress. Oviedo, Spain, 23nd-27th July 2007. Le Gall, L. Unraveling the extent of algal diversity using the DNA-barcode for molecular assisted taxonomy. MarBEF General Assembly, Sopot and Gdynia, Poland, 14th -16th May 2007. Le Gall, L.; Saunders, G.W. Barcoding: a powerful molecular tool to uncover the diversity in the Canadian red algal flora. Oral communication. 45th NorthEast Algal Symposium. Poughkeepsie, New York, 21st-23rd April 2006. Le Gall, L.; Saunders, G.W. Evolution of actin genes in red algae. Oral communication. International Society for Evolutionary Protistology conference XV. Melbourne, Australia; January 30th – Febuary 3rd 2005. Le Gall, L.; Saunders, G.W. Molecular systematics of the Florideophyceae using nuclear small and large subunit rDNA revisited within Bayes. Poster. 44th NorthEast Algal Symposium. Rockport, Maine, 27th-30th April 2005. Le Gall, L.; Lelong, C. Characterization of two actin genes in Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta). Oral communication. 43rd NorthEast Algal Symposium. University of Connecticut, Avery Point. 23rd-26th April 2004. Le Gall, L.; Rusig AM. Use of seedstocks from the red macroalga Palmaria palmata for the study of developmental processes and for cultivation. Poster. 3rd European Phycological Congress, Belfast, UK, 21th -26th July 2003. Summary published in Programme & Book of abstracts p89. Le Gall, L. Caractérisation et expression de deux gènes d’actine chez la Rhodophyte Palmaria palmata. Oral communication during the meeting « Algues, Environnement, Production » organized by the French Phycological Society. Nantes, 28th –30th October 2002. Le Gall L.; Rusig A.M.; Cosson J. Morphogenesis study of the protoplast of Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta): A cytoskeletal approach. Oral communication during 7th International Phycological Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece; 18th –25th August 2001 Summary published in Phycologia Vol 40 (4) p38 Supplement 2001. Le Gall L. Microtubular cytoskeleton of Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta). Oral communication during the “Phycological day” of the French Phycological Society. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle. Paris, 21th - 22th December 2000.