MSc Candidate
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Monique A. SuretteM.Sc. Research Technician My humble beginnings in Molecular Biology started when I did my undergrad in Biochemistry at the Université de Moncton. Unsure about my future directions, I worked in Montréal for a year then decided to further my education. Being sick of big city life drove me to rural Nova Scotia where I got back ‘down to earth’ so-to-speak to pursue a M.Sc. in sustainable agriculture through Dalhousie University. I studied the diversity of bacterial endophytes (bacterial strains that inhabit inside plant tissue) in carrot roots and their effects on plant growth and stress tolerance. In 2001, I successfully defended my thesis and eventually fulfilled several research and teaching contracts for the following two years. In May 2003, I ended up going full circle. I got back to my home province of New Brunswick where I happily joined the Saunders Crew here at UNB doing molecular work once again. For posterity purposes, I include here some of my publications: |
Publications Surette, MA. 2001. Isolation, characterization and role of bacterial endophytes in processing carrots (Daucus carota L. var. sativus). M.Sc. Thesis. Dalhousie University. Lada, R, Stiles, A, Surette, MA, Sturz, AV, Blake, TJ, Caldwell, C, and Nowak, J. Stand Establishment Technologies in Processing Carrots. Acta Horticulturae. –in press- Surette, MA, Sturz, AV, Lada, R, and Nowak, J. Bacterial endophytes in processing carrots: Their localization, population density, biodiversity and their effects on plant growth in vivo. Plant and Soil. –in press- Conference Abstracts Surette, MA; Sturz, AV; Lada, R; and Nowak, J. 2001. Characterization of endophytic plant growth promoting (PGP) bacteria, their localization, population density, and biodiversity in processing carrots (Daucus carota L. var. sativus). In: Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Horticultural Science, AIC 2001, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, July 10th 2001. pp.11-12. Lada, R, Stiles, A, Blake, TJ, Surette, MA, Nowak, J, and Sturz, AV. 2002. Stand establishment technologies in processing carrots: problems and prospects. XXVIth International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, ON, August 11-17th 2002 (abstract #1081). |